Slapped in the face by the Salmon of Doubt

I’ve just had my reality moment. One of my beloved editors has just schooled me on the first few paragraphs of my novel. If that’s how it goes on the first few paragraphs, then I’m in real big trouble, and my editing has just begun. The last thing I want to do is release my novel with big sloppy problems in it. So I’m taking this moment; I’m going to get depressed about it, take my slap to the face with the Salmon of Doubt, and then press on. I’m not sure what this means for the novel as it is, but I’m determined to use this and make my writing better. Not sure if this means that the novel will be delayed at this point. I will post more soon. I would still like to press on with podcasting the first four chapters, so I think that will be where I put my efforts most right now.

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